What makes life worth living?
TED-Ed is an educational platform, which aims to spark and celebrate the ideas and knowledge-sharing of teachers and students around the world. Everything TED-Ed does supports learning — whether it's producing a growing video library of original animated lessons, providing an international platform for teachers to create their own interactive lesson plans, helping curious students around the globe bring TED to their schools and gain presentation literacy skills, or celebrating innovative leadership within TED-Ed’s global network of over 250,000 teachers. TED-Ed has grown from an idea worth spreading into an award-winning education platform that serves millions of teachers and students around the world.
The TED-Ed channel has more than 19 million subscribers, 2 thousand award-winning animated films and almost 4 billion views.

What makes life worth living?
Puzzle through a classic ethical dilemma and decide: can human existence be meaningful without its creativity and culture?
Life on your planet depends entirely on Nuronium for normal cognition. Unfortunately, its source has been compromised and you are now at risk of extinction. Scientists have found an alternate energy source, Polixate, but it can’t sustain cognition and would mean the loss of people's creativity. So, what shall it be: extinction or life without culture? Douglas MacLean explores this classic dilemma.

educator: Douglas MacLean
art director, animator: Asparuh Petrov
narrator: Adrian Dannatt
sound design, original music: Alexander Evtimov, BigBanda Soundscapers
producers: Sazia Arfin, Gerta Xhelo (TED-Ed), Vessela Dantcheva (Compote Collective)